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Azelf @ final days... @azzzelf

Keldeo, G3N3S3CT!!, JIRACHI, shayyyy, and 4 others

    hoopster: omgg that practice was actually really fun ouuugh i WIISH keldeo and genesect were able to experience it (sent at 4:12 p.m.)

    shayyyy: are you only saying that because you were able to drag zeraora by whatever is considered his "tail" or did you actualy enjoy it...? (sent at 4:14 p.m.)

    hoopster: obviously both!! besides, he's such a cutie seeing him struggle from the wrath of my rings, maybe THAT will teach you to never ask me for my notes!! (photo attached, sent at 4:17 p.m.)

    ZER4!!: i swear to god i'm never asking you for shit ever again YOU HAD ME DANGING LIKE A FUCKING THREAD (sent at 4:24 p.m.)

    hoopster reacted with

    Manaphy!!: Regardless of it all, I think that was a pretty good practice!! I was surprised how many of us actually showed up too!! ALSO @mantasword @techn0pl4sma I HOPE YOUR DATE WENT WELL!! Makes me want to go out with minmin more... (sent at 4:25 p.m.)

    shayyyy reacted with

    Keldeo and G3N3S3CT!! reacted with

    Celebi: I'm glad almost everyone was able to attend! Next practice will be 14 days from now, have a good rest of your day, freinds! (sent at 4;30 p.m.)

    shayyyy, Manaphy!!, and 4 others reacted with