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Azelf @ final days... @azzzelf

Keldeo, G3N3S3CT!!, JIRACHI, shayyyy, and 4 others

    Celebi: Good morning friends! Just a reminder that our practice is sceduled for later today at 2:30 p.m., please let me or @151.nyaa know beforehand if you know you can't attend. Otherwise, I'll see you all later! (sent at 8:00 a.m.)

    ZER4!!: yo @donutringz can i copy yo notes from like. 2 weeks ago. i forgor again (sent at 8:34 a.m.)

    hoopster: $25 + box of my fav donuts and mayb i'll consider letting you see some of it... (sent at 8:36 a.m)

    ZER4!!: OH HELL NAHHH YOU TRIPPIN FR (sent at 8:36 a.m.)

    hoopster: do owe me after all zera, don't think i'd forget like you, did you? (sent at 8:37 a.m)

    ZER4!!: FIIINE GOD you better like the box i'm getting you or imma put you back in that fuckin bottle (sent at 8:39 a.m)

    hoopster reacted with

    JIRACHI: you have some balls asking hoopa to copy IN THE GROUPCHAT ZERAORA (sent at 8:45 a.m)